Angie grew up in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, lived in many states spanning from Georgia to California, finally settling in Olathe, Kansas where she now resides with her partner and four children.
Recent projects include assessment and survey development and analysis, accessible testing and learning, item response analysis, museum exhibit and program evaluations, student-centered design, adolescent social-emotional research, accessibility research, community mental health center evaluations, federal grant-funded after-school program evaluations, justice system program evaluation, LGBTQ+ research, and the major, grant-funded, Kansas Communities that Care student research study.

Angie earned a bachelor’s degree in Education and a master’s degree in Teaching from Western Governor’s University, a master’s degree in Museum Science and Management with a focus on Museum Education and Evaluation from the University of Tulsa, and is presently a Ph.D. student at the University of Kansas studying Educational Psychology and Research with a focus on Research, Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics.

Angie's current position is History, Culture, and Psychology teacher at Lawrence High School. Her previous title was DAUx Education Researcher at Defense Acquisition University (DAU).
Previous work experience includes over 10 years of expertise in classroom and informal teaching and learning, educational research, museum management, program development and management, grant writing and management, research design, instrument development, data collection, measurement, and analysis for front-end, formative, and summative evaluations in museums, government, and nonprofit organizations. See resume and CV for more detailed experience information.

Research and Specializations
Areas of research interest include:
Educational Psychology; Psychology; Neuroscience of Motivation and Emotional Behaviors; Neuroscience in Education; Learning Theory; Item Response Theory; Evaluation; Culturally Responsive Assessment; Adolescent Development; Social Development; Museums; Social-Emotional Competency; Justice Reform; Prevention; Out of School Time Development & Learning; DEIB; Mental Health; Cultural, Biological, and Medical Anthropology; Sociology; Queer Studies; North America; Colonial America; Latin America; Europe; Pre-Colombian; Sustainability
Topics: Educational Psychology; Learning Theory; Program Evaluation; Item Response Theory; Logic Modeling; Museum Science and Management; UX Research and Evaluation; Social Emotional Learning; Systems and Behavior Neuroscience; Women; Sexuality; Reproduction and Sexual Practices; Justice Reform; Sustainability; Conservation; US Colonial; US Civil War; Westward Expansion; Colonization of the Americas; North American Indigenous; Latin America Indigenous; US 1900s-1950s; Archaeology; Cultural Anthropology; Medical Anthropology; Ethnography; Digital Humanities; and Performing Arts